Friday, March 27, 2020

Systematic Error in Chemistry Research

Systematic Error in Chemistry ResearchThe significance of systematization has to be understood for any management system that aims at developing strategies that meet the demands of scientific research, as well as ensure that the research results will be useful in management decision making. As we all know, every science can only be applied scientifically by employing the different methods of research and development.Systematic error comes into the picture when the scientists design the experiments and the procedures with the intention of generating results to make themselves relevant and interesting. Systematic error will take place in the following way: the researchers to design an experiment and attempt to acquire an accurate result, so that they will have found the variables that will influence the outcome of the experiment. For instance, if the experiment was designed in a way that the second stage would control for the first stage, then it will not be very important for the resu lts to be accurate as the other factors will be eliminated from the analysis, which may mean that the other factors are more important than the first stage.The existence of systematic error in the scientific method is only a reflection of the ignorance of the scientists and their lack of confidence about their own discoveries. It can take place when the scientist plans the experiment without considering the possible negative impact of the planned experiment on the outcome of the experiment. The results of the experiment will still be accurate and useful to the researcher, but they will not be the ones that he is looking for. However, the results will still appear in the report and in the scientific journal, but they will represent only a small part of the whole experiment.A crucial point is that systematic error is still possible even when the scientists understand the purpose of the experiment. For instance, if the experiment is being conducted to explore the possibility of a new d rug, the first stage of the experiment should not include subjecting a number of animals to an electric shock or using the standard procedure of injecting the rats with a chemical substance. These options should be avoided as the discovery of a particular compound in the process will make the entire experiment invalid. Once again, this might make a certain part of the experiment appear in the report of the experiment and in the journal, but will not make a part of the entire research very useful.Another important point is that systematic error is not just limited to science, but also to many other forms of research. For instance, when the same systematical errors can occur in a cardiology study and an experimental pharmacology study, they will appear as the two types of medications for the same problem. The number of people involved in the study will give additional power to the chance that the results will be valid, but this is simply because of the number of variables that need to be considered, which is rather complicated and involves many factors.To prevent systematic error, there are a number of points that can be looked at. First, one should try to determine what the problem is in the first place; if there is a significant part of the sample that is missing, the problem is not in the sample itself, but in the sample in the hand.Second, it is very important to understand that the end product of the research is still valuable, it is just that the procedure used has made it less so. When the next scientific journal publishes the findings, they will be corrected. Furthermore, these corrections will be included in the report of the experiment so that the scientist understands that the problem has been removed. In fact, the process of correcting systematic error will be crucial, because the results of an experiment may depend on the assumptions used in its conduct, and if these assumptions are not in line with what is actually discovered, the published researc h will have a lot of credibility and many problems.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Harvard College Admissions Essays Say What - Private Tutoring

Harvard College Admissions Essays Say What BobbiM Feb 28, 2013 Looking for some college admissions essay tips? Believe it or not, but the college admission essay is more important than you think. Consider this: applicants to the best schools likely also have the best grades, the best SAT scores, or the best ACT scores. So, with such a high achieving population, they all tend to look like each other. That is if all the college admissions committee looked at were quantitative aspects of your application. The truth is this: the qualitative aspects of your college application carries way more weight than you realize. Enter the College Admissions Essay, but wait! If you already know you need some one-on-one help with your college applications, search for a private tutor near you: Find the Best Private Tutors At Reasonable Rates - Get Real Results Fast! Choose Your Subject - Add Your Zip Code - Find Top Rated Tutors Today InPerson or Online Online InPerson College Admissions Essay Tips: What Are They Looking For? Great question. Remember what I just said about the applicant pool all looking like each other? Well, that knowledge should drive what you need to highlight about you. Here are some guidelines: Highlight experiences that demonstrate inner strength or upright character Describe experiences that set you apart as unique from the rest of the applicant population remember, the college or university is interested about how you will add value. So, show how you will make your 4 years at the school special and why the university will be better off for having admitted you. Youll think Im crazy, but here we go: if youre a female or a minority play the game. Yup, I cant believe I just said that. But, you can do so in a way that is not martyr-like or as if you were the victim somehow. You can show how you overcame adversity that was somewhat related to your special class. People love reading that stuff. Lets test my advice on the Harvard College Admission Essay Questions, which are below: Please write an essay of 250 â€" 500 words on a topic of your choice or on one of the options listed below, and attach it to your application before submission. Please indicate your topic by checking the appropriate box. This personal essay helps us become acquainted with you as a person and student, apart from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data. It will also demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself. NOTE: Your Common Application essay should be the same for all colleges. Do not customize it in any way for individual colleges. Colleges that want customized essay responses will ask for them on a supplement form. Evaluate a signi?cant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you. Indicate a person who has had a signi?cant in?uence on you, and describe that in?uence. Describe a character in ?ction, a historical ?gure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an in?uence on you, and explain that in?uence. A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you. Topic of your choice. Okay, lets analyze this, but know one thing for sure: DO NOT choose topic of choice. Why? Its kind of weird. You see, the committee wants to see uniqueness, but they also need something to compare you to. So, your response will be compared to others responses to the same question. Without having a base of comparison (like if you choose the topic of your choice), they wont know what to do with you. Moving on. Lets look at each question and evaluate an approach: For this question, they are looking for a glimpse into how you think and the worldview by which you see the world. If youve taken significant risk, what was it and what drove your thinking and what drove you make that decision? You dig? How do you think about issues this is what they are looking for. Do you consider aspects of issues or are you selfish in your approach. What values do you hold? Whats important to you and why? As far as that goes, the rest of the questions, I dont believe are germane. By that I mean focus on the first 3 questions. Remember my advice about having something to compare to? Thats why.

English Republic Language Academy

English Republic Language Academy English Republic Language Academy Since 2004, English Republic has provided the best foreign language education program based on GSLP(Genius Systematic Linguistics Program), which is revolutionarily developed to help students naturally and interestingly acquire the foreign languages. Located in Anyang, a suburb of Seoul, teachers can enjoy their life in a quiet and peaceful environment and a short trip to the excitement of downtown areas. With the aim of developing future leaders on the global stage, this language academy is always researching and developing language-educational contents, with the best textbooks and materials, and an optimized educational environment. Along with a great Edu-consulting service, they have a terrific human-resource management system which selects, trains, and assigns instructors to the be in the right place at the right time. Under these systems, about 50 staff members are always working hard in order to maximize the results of language education of English, with the motto, Getting Better All The Time.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

2016 New Years italki Language Challengers- Make a Public Video Pledge!

2016 New Years italki Language Challengers- Make a Public Video Pledge! If youve signed up for the italki Language Challenge  , here is a trick to motivate you to succeed!  Do you really want to complete the challenge?  Use peer pressure (in a good way) to help yourself achieve your language learning goal! Research has shown that if you put yourself up to something by doing it in public, you follow through because others are watching. Things that you put on the Web have a better chance of getting done! How to Upload your Language Challenge Public Video Pledge Make a Public Video Pledge by uploading a video to YouTube or Youku before you begin your first session (or your first few sessions). Youtube video example: Youku video example: What should you say in your Public Video Pledge? Speak in your native language Tell us why you are taking the italki Challenge and what language you are learning Tell us what you will commit to (e.g. I promise to take at least 3 sessions a week) Tell us your Language Challenge Goal (e.g. Five minute conversation with a co-worker) Speak in the language you are learning Repeat the above in the language you are learning If you can’t say anything, or your language level is at a beginner level then try to say a few words you know in the language or just say you have no ability. Label the video: “(italki username)’s  italki Language Challenge New Year 2016 Public Pledge The video should not be longer than 2 minutes in length. Send a link to  the YouTube/Youku video to We will upload your video to our blog! Just send us an email to and let us know the link to the  video  with the Public Video Pledge! If youve signed up for The Challenge and you really want to finish, you should make the Public Video Pledge now!  It will help you complete the Challenge! 2016 New Years italki Language Challengers- Make a Public Video Pledge! If youve signed up for the italki Language Challenge  , here is a trick to motivate you to succeed!  Do you really want to complete the challenge?  Use peer pressure (in a good way) to help yourself achieve your language learning goal! Research has shown that if you put yourself up to something by doing it in public, you follow through because others are watching. Things that you put on the Web have a better chance of getting done! How to Upload your Language Challenge Public Video Pledge Make a Public Video Pledge by uploading a video to YouTube or Youku before you begin your first session (or your first few sessions). Youtube video example: Youku video example: What should you say in your Public Video Pledge? Speak in your native language Tell us why you are taking the italki Challenge and what language you are learning Tell us what you will commit to (e.g. I promise to take at least 3 sessions a week) Tell us your Language Challenge Goal (e.g. Five minute conversation with a co-worker) Speak in the language you are learning Repeat the above in the language you are learning If you can’t say anything, or your language level is at a beginner level then try to say a few words you know in the language or just say you have no ability. Label the video: “(italki username)’s  italki Language Challenge New Year 2016 Public Pledge The video should not be longer than 2 minutes in length. Send a link to  the YouTube/Youku video to We will upload your video to our blog! Just send us an email to and let us know the link to the  video  with the Public Video Pledge! If youve signed up for The Challenge and you really want to finish, you should make the Public Video Pledge now!  It will help you complete the Challenge!

10 Things you shouldnt do on italki

10 Things you shouldnt do on italki In an effort to keep italki clean and focused on language learning and respectful cultural exchange, we’ve developed a list of 10 things you should not do on italki.  We’ve included some examples below so you know what we’re talking about and also what kinds of spam and scams to watch out for and to avoid.  Were always trying to improve italki to make it more beneficial to language learners everywhere.  Thanks for your support. DONT  1) Ask inappropriate questions   2) Send people youve never met love letters           3) List the same language under both I speak and Im learning  4) Send people spammy messages    5) Try to scam people by asking for their email address, bank account number, home address, or other information     6) Use italki to promote competing commercial interests  7) Post naked, semi-nude, suggestive, or scantily clad photos of yourself or anyone else (sorry no photo) 8) Post your email address publicly (in comments, groups, answers, etc).  This will lead to more email spam.   9) Reply to people who say they love you or have a crush on you because they read your profile. Yes, We know its the same letter as #4, but spammers will try to get you anyway they can!  10) Disrespect fellow italki members     Although they didn’t make the Top 10 list, there are a few more Dis-Honorable Mentions that you also shouldn’t do on italki. Dishonorable Mentions  â€¢    List Other for your speaking or learning language when your language is clearly listed as a choice •    Get mad if someone doesnt accept/reply to your Chat Now invitation •    Post Help me practice English (or any other language) in Answers If you have other items you think should be added to this list, feel free to write them in comments below, or add them to the Knowledge page.  If you find members engaging in spamming or scamming, please report them to 10 Things you shouldnt do on italki In an effort to keep italki clean and focused on language learning and respectful cultural exchange, we’ve developed a list of 10 things you should not do on italki.  We’ve included some examples below so you know what we’re talking about and also what kinds of spam and scams to watch out for and to avoid.  Were always trying to improve italki to make it more beneficial to language learners everywhere.  Thanks for your support. DONT  1) Ask inappropriate questions   2) Send people youve never met love letters           3) List the same language under both I speak and Im learning  4) Send people spammy messages    5) Try to scam people by asking for their email address, bank account number, home address, or other information     6) Use italki to promote competing commercial interests  7) Post naked, semi-nude, suggestive, or scantily clad photos of yourself or anyone else (sorry no photo) 8) Post your email address publicly (in comments, groups, answers, etc).  This will lead to more email spam.   9) Reply to people who say they love you or have a crush on you because they read your profile. Yes, We know its the same letter as #4, but spammers will try to get you anyway they can!  10) Disrespect fellow italki members     Although they didn’t make the Top 10 list, there are a few more Dis-Honorable Mentions that you also shouldn’t do on italki. Dishonorable Mentions  â€¢    List Other for your speaking or learning language when your language is clearly listed as a choice •    Get mad if someone doesnt accept/reply to your Chat Now invitation •    Post Help me practice English (or any other language) in Answers If you have other items you think should be added to this list, feel free to write them in comments below, or add them to the Knowledge page.  If you find members engaging in spamming or scamming, please report them to

Teacher talks What its really like teaching English in China

Teacher talks What it’s really like teaching English in China If you haven’t read it, here’s the first part of our Teacher Talks series with Dave on the differences between teaching ESL to kids vs. adults. And if you don’t have time for that, let me catch you up. Dave Stewart is a placement coordinator for the Explore Program in China. He spent several years teaching abroad in both China and South Korea. This blog will specifically look at his experience teaching in China. So, let’s jump right in! Why did you decide teaching in China was the best fit for you? If I’m really honest, I’d say to add to my travel-cred. South Korea felt like something a lot of people almost expected to hear when I said I taught English abroad. China had a bit more mystery to it, and I wanted an experience that was different from most. I was actually curious about teaching in China for a while. I first visited on vacation and there was just so much to see. It’s a much bigger country than South Korea, so I felt like there was a lot more for me to explore. The cities were bigger, there were larger and more diverse expat communities. In Korea, the expat community was mainly ESL teachers but in China there were all sorts of expats working in different industries. It was also the novelty of it too, there are things you just never forget - like these goat skewers that you could get from street vendors in Beijing. They were delicious, but it’s the only time in my life I’ve eaten food that has been heated by a hairdryer! Aside from all that, when I actually sat down and did my research, I felt that China had the most opportunities when it came to teaching adults. Read this: 5 reasons why you should teach in China What are some of the main challenges you’ve experienced teaching adults in China? I suppose one of the main things teachers have to adjust to is mostly cultural. There’s a real fear of losing face. Getting students to speak up is probably 80% of the work in the classroom. I used loads of different techniques. Bigger groups weren’t the best for the shy-natured students, so I divided them into smaller groups, focusing on roleplay and pair work. With adults, they need to know the value of what you’re teaching them. So a lot of the roleplay has to be quite specific, business situations and real-life scenarios played out better than more imaginative stuff. At first, it can be a bit stressful because there is that feeling of talking to a wall, it’s a catch-22 with teaching ESL. Adults are silent, so you’d give anything to get them to speak up, and kids won’t shut up, so you’d do anything to get them to be quiet and focus for a few minutes. I’ve heard that English pronunciation is especially tricky for Chinese (Mandarin) that true? Definitely, there are quite a few problems with intonations and phonology. One of the big issues that Chinese English learners have is with vowel sounds. What happens when someone mispronounces a consonant is that you can still figure out the meaning. Like “Coppee” as a pronunciation for “Coffee” in Korea. But if a learner messes up the vowels it becomes much harder to understand what they want to say. Check out the University of Toronto OISE TEFL course’s specialization in teaching English to Mandarin speakers How did you give students feedback? Was there a grading system in place? For private lessons and conversation classes we were given feedback reports to fill out after every class. These could be more candid and in depth than anything you might give a child. I would still always try to be encouraging so give them any negatives in a compliment sandwich. Any horror stories you care to share? I had a student that called himself “Death”, and it wasn’t an accident. He knew what it meant and it was written on all his business cards. He was an odd guy, but part of teaching is accepting people as they are, so you just have to roll with it. Was anything about living in China ever frustrating? Using Bing instead of Google. Maybe the biggest thing for a Westerner teaching in China is the frustration with access to news sources. Many of the sites I would usually go to for current events were blocked or censored. Also anyone that’s taught abroad appreciates the treasure trove of Realia that YouTube represents. In Korea, I would often incorporate videos into classes, but that wasn’t possible in China. They use a network called Weebo to host videos instead and it just doesn’t have the same number of native English speakers creating content. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. A lot of teachers worry that living in China will be restrictive and they won’t have as much freedom. How would you respond to that? That’s one of those false assumptions, there are a lot of rules in China, certainly a lot more than in Vancouver - but for some reason I felt freer there. Perhaps because in Vancouver we enforce the rules that do exist, in China I found them quite lax as long as you weren’t disturbing anyone. It felt safer to go for a walk at night, the culture didn’t have any aggressive masculine undertones like in the West and you could grab a beer and go for a walk without worrying. I loved wandering there, which isn’t something I’d do in Vancouver. In China, I would just stumble across historical monuments or vendors selling weird foods. China gave me a different perspective on things I thought I already knew. In the west there’s this idea that communism is a bad thing, but they were so proud of their rich history and saw Mao as a liberator of the people. Just witnessing that first hand was fascinating and something I could never have imagined sitting at home reading about China. It’s not a place that can be described, I’d recommend spending time there to anyone who is curious about the country. Professional development is a big part of Chinese culture and work. Did you get a chance to develop your teaching skills? Definitely, they encourage all teachers to take courses and even pay for them. While I was there I did a distance learning course in phonology that was so useful in the classroom. It allowed me to hone in on specific issues with the student’s pronunciation and figure out where they were straying. It was amazing to get a chance to really understand the mechanics of ESL for Chinese students and get a bit more context about how to help them with their specific issues. If teachers are looking to take a TEFL course and know they want to teach in China or Korea, it might be wise to take one with a country specific specialization tagged on. Some of that information will be gold in the classroom. What was the most interesting thing about teaching in China? How focused they were on my strengths and the way they helped me grow my skills. I’m a stickler for interesting lessons and they saw that strength and gave me room to research and develop new classes for the school. I loved having that sense of creative ownership and being able to come up with ways to tweak and improve classes other teachers had designed. Recommended reading: Requirements to teach English in China [Video] 12 companies in China that are hiring English teachers like crazy Teaching in China on a tourist visa: Can it be done? What’s the average salary for a teacher in China? Do I need to speak Mandarin to teach English in China?

Getting Better Grades With Maryland University of Maryland Tutoring Athletes

Getting Better Grades With Maryland University of Maryland Tutoring AthletesThere are many ways to help kids get better grades and that is why finding the best Maryland University of Maryland tutoring services is essential. You can get into any area you want and get kids to do well on their exams. The services offered by the university also include a wide range of sports teams and physical education programs to make them healthier.The academics will get better and your child will have a better chance of graduating from school. Your child will be able to move up in school and feel more confident about themselves. They will also be better able to cope with changes that may come in the future.For this reason, getting athletic tutors is a good idea if you have kids who may need some extra encouragement and emotional support as they go through high school or university. A sports team can be just as important as a school work. They can give a child the social support that they may need to concentrate in school and get the best grades.Your child will have someone to talk to and who will listen to them when they have a problem. They will also be better able to deal with stress and other challenges in their life. All of this can lead to a better adult life.Many of the coaches and family members of some of the athletes have taken a great interest in their academic performance and will go out of their way to help them. Some coaches and other staff members volunteer to tutor them. If they don't, that doesn't mean they don't care.They often offer to teach the players how to take fitness classes at their local gym. These can be good ways to keep your kids healthy. It gives them the opportunity to interact with other people.As parents, you can sign up for one of the online school programs. It will give you access to professional sports tutors in your area so that you can offer the best possible support to your kid.

What Is Precision in Chemistry?

What Is Precision in Chemistry?Let's find out what is precision in chemistry. Precision in chemistry is very essential in a lab environment, and the higher the level of precision, the better it is for the laboratory environment. Any lab or laboratory that can produce high quality results will have a small and precise amount of materials. High precision needs high quality will come with precision.So what is the precision and how does it help our labs that we work in? Firstly, precision means being exact about a lot of things, such as quantities, measurements, and the like. In chemistry, for example, many of the measurements that are required in laboratories are of very low precision. For instance, one might use a sheet of paper, put a drop of ink on it, and it will mark up a few tenths of an inch.Often, the only way to know what that tiny drop of ink marked up was is to have a source of precision and high quality information that tells you exactly how much the drop of ink cost. This i s where the use of an analyzer is so crucial. There are many different types of analyzers, from simple ones, such as a colorimeter, to more complex ones, such as gas chromatographs, mass spectrometers, and others.What is the best way to ensure high precision? For example, one might have a routine of inspecting all of the equipment that is being used. While there is nothing wrong with that, it is really not something that everyone does. Instead, there are other ways to ensure high precision that might be more effective for your lab or laboratory.One good way to ensure precision is to have a good company that will inspect everything before it is used. You might even choose to have their company replace any broken equipment that is still being used in your lab. The tools they use might cost a bit more, but they will keep all of the analyzers and other products working in the lab. They can also give you assurance that the materials that you need will be done properly made.The use of a g ood company that inspects all of the lab is also essential for people who want to go to the next level in their career, for example, to go to a PhD program or get a PhD. A lot of them will require samples that will be used by someone in a lab. The only problem is that the methods for making these samples are not high quality, they might not be entirely accurate, and they might be slightly inaccurate. With the aid of a high quality lab that will do a thorough examination of the samples that will be needed by your graduate student, you will not have any problems finding the samples, and your graduate student will be able to handle the samples without any errors.You might also find that the samples that you need will be used in more than one lab. For instance, the oil sample might be used in another lab. This means that you have two lab systems to run to ensure the samples are not being mishandled. You will also have the security to assure that the lab will be in good working order whe n you need it.

Nursery Rhymes For Kids

Nursery Rhymes For Kids Nursery Rhymes For Kids Have A Long History ChaptersNursery Rhymes For Kids Have Educational BenefitsSome of the Best Nursery Rhymes For KidsGet The Most Out Of Nursery RhymesAlthough you may not remember all the words anymore, there’s a high chance that, when you were younger, you were sung a number of different nursery rhymes. And there's a good reason for that!Often sung to babies and children, nursery rhymes have a long and rich history in a number of countries, from Britain, France, Germany, and beyond. Nursery rhymes date back hundreds of years, with some found in existence even during the 13th  century.However, many of the popular nursery rhymes that are used today originated between the 16th  and 18th  century, although some popular nursery rhymes were created later during the 19th  century, and, of course, nursery rhymes continue to be created today.Given that nursery rhymes have been around so long, there must be a reason why they have proven so popular over the years. The below article highlights:why nursery rhyme s can be beneficial for your children; andoutlines some popular nursery rhymes that you could introduce your child to.A book of popular nursery rhymes for kids. (Image: CC BY 3.0, Sailko, Wikimedia Commons)Their repetition â€" repetition is crucial to many popular nursery rhymes, which helps children remember those words and help develop their aural (listening) skills;Their ability to teach speaking skills â€" in some nursery rhymes, children are encouraged to speak certain parts, which helps children learn how to pronounce certain words correctly and can improve their vocabulary; andTheir history â€" often, parents remember being sung the nursery rhyme when they were younger, so they are excited to pass on the nursery rhyme to their own child.What’s more, there can be a social aspect to nursery rhymes, which can help your child bond with other children  and toddlers in a group through the act of singing nursery rhymes and songs together. This can be especially beneficial when you r child is at pre-school age.Finally, one of the great benefits of nursery rhymes is the fact that they can act as a stepping stone to introducing your child to different forms of written work, both short and long. Short poems, for example, can be great to move onto once your child is used to nursery rhymes, although there are no reasons why you can’t also introduce your child to short fiction books as well.Depending on your child’s attention span and level of interest, you could also read them longer poems or stories, but it may be easier to keep storytime short at the beginning and increase its length as time goes on.Some of the Best Nursery Rhymes For KidsWith all the benefits of singing or speaking nursery rhymes to your children in mind, below you can find a selection of popular nursery rhymes you may want to share with your children. Don't feel as though you have to go through every nursery rhyme. Rather, it might help to try out a few at a time with your child to see how they best react and to determine which nursery rhymes may become their favourites.Baa, Baa, Black SheepAge: originated during the 18th century.Extract: “Bah, Bah, a black Sheep / Have you any wool?”Humpty DumptyAge: originated in the late 18th  century in Britain.Extract: “Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall / Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.”Jack and JillAge: Another 18th-century nursery rhyme from Britain. It has changed over the years, with a number of verses added.Extract: “Jack and Jill  / Went up the hill / To fetch a pail of water.”Ring A Ring O’RosesAge: This nursery rhyme first appeared at the end of the 19th  century, later than some of the other nursery rhymes within this selection.Extract: “Ring-a-ring o' roses / A pocket full of posies / a-tishoo a-tishoo / We all fall down.”Row, Row, Row Your BoatAge: The first version of the nursery rhyme appeared in the 1850s.Extract: “Row, row, row your boat / Gently down the stream”Row, Row, Row Your Boat is a popula r nursery rhyme that has been around for over a hundred years. (Image: CC0 1.0, Free-Photos, Pixabay)The Grand Old Duke of YorkAge: This English nursery rhyme is one of the oldest on this list, appearing during the first half of the 17th century.Extract: “The grand old  Duke of York / He had ten thousand men / He marched them up to the top of the hill / And he marched them down again.”The Wheels On The BusAge: One of the later nursery rhymes on this list, it is understood to have been written around the 1930s.Extract: “The wheels on the bus go round and round”Three Blind MiceAge: This nursery rhyme is understood to have been released at the start of the 19th century.Extract: “Three blind mice. / Three blind mice. / See how they run.”Twinkle, Twinkle, Little StarAge: This popular nursery rhyme was written by Jane Taylor at the beginning of the 19th century.  Extract: “Twinkle, twinkle, little star / How I wonder what you are”If you have gone through all of the above, or want to find more nursery rhymes, then you can find a huge number of nursery rhymes simply by going online and searching for them.Some other nursery rhymes that could be easily found include rhymes such as Hickory Dickory Dock, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Pat-a-cake, Little Miss Muffet, Jack Be Nimble and the Muffin Man,  Here We Go Round the  Mulberry Bush, Mary Had A Little Lamb,  Little Jack Horner, and Little Bo Peep. There are, of course, many more that can be found online.Should you want a more specific list of nursery rhymes, for example, a list that is tailored to your child and what they enjoy, then you could also try to reach out to an English tutor at Superprof for their input on which nursery rhymes would be well-received by your child. Superprof tutors can provide both in-person and online assistance, so it can be as easy as sending a few emails to your tutor in order to have a tailored learning plan for your child.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is one of the most famous nursery rhymes for kids. (Image: CC0 1.0, PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay)Get The Most Out Of Nursery RhymesTo ensure your child gets the most out of nursery rhymes, try to put some time aside on a regular basis to sing your child a nursery rhyme or two. Great times to sing to your child could be at:Playtime;Feeding time; orBedtime.Try to sing the nursery rhymes as clearly and confidently as possible as well, as this will help improve your child’s listening skills, and will also help to hold your child’s attention for the duration of the song.If your child is not responding too well to the nursery rhymes, you can use some props to try and engage your child further. If you don’t have any props, then pictures, different voices, or acting out certain parts of the nursery rhyme could also be effective.Once your toddler is comfortable with nursery rhymes, then a next great step can be to introduce them to short poems or books of poetry. There are so many charming poetry collections out ther e that have been written with young children and preschoolers in mind, so there's no lack of choice of quality and engaging works to choose from.All poems for children, just like nursery rhymes, can be highly beneficial for a child's language learning, as they can also teach concepts such as sentence structure, the use of syllables, the flexibility of word order in English, among many other benefits.Whether you think your child might enjoy some nonsense poems from the likes of Lewis Carroll  or Edward Lear or would prefer something silly like Roald Dahl's poetry collection Revolting Rhymes, there is something out there for your child to enjoy. Equally, if you'd like to keep things short and sweet, then a haiku or limerick can be a great way to improve your child's English comprehension.Aside from nursery rhymes and famous poems and new poetry, there are a number of different ways to can help develop your child’s listening and speaking skills at an early age. If you are looking for ways to help improve your child’s English comprehension, then you can also look at hiring an English tutor that specialises in teaching preschool age children and toddlers to give some tips and tricks.If you enter your postcode on the Superprof website, you can be matched with local tutors as well as tutors that are happy to provide poetry lessons online. So it's a matter of whether you prefer one to one tuition, or remote learning for your child when it comes to finding a tutor that's a good match. Why not take a look for yourself, and find your perfect tutor today.